Friday, May 22, 2015


 Creating this prezi is where I learned the most about my family history. It was fun diving into the genealogy books and looking through all the old pictures. I have such an amazing family it seems.

Family Echo

This family tree was fun and also stressful, because I feel like I have so much family! I put on as much as my time allowed; however, my genealogy books date back to the 1800's.


Email Transcript

 So I definitely procrastinated this assignment. I didn't send the email in enough time to get a response, but we have all of our family history in some books. I wasn't too worried about having enough information.

Hi Family!
I am working on a family tree project, and I was wondering if any of you could provide me with some funny childhood stories. If you have any pictures you want to send in, that would also be helpful.
Thanks so much!
Love you



Interview Questions

I had a fun time interviewing my Grandpa. He's been absent in my life for many years and to be able to spend some time with him was a gift. He's actually quite funny. My dad definitely got his rebelliousness from him and my brother from my dad. It's crazy how personality traits can be passed on as well.

Interview #1

Interview #2

Thursday, April 30, 2015


I think this is profound, and I wish I would hear that from my teachers. While I am sure there are many teachers who lose sleep over their students, there are also many teachers that teach because it is a job. Those classes are painful to attend. Then again, I learn what I want to. Nothing can be forced. If I want to change my outlook on my education, I have that opportunity. I often forget why I go to school, and this was a great reminder. I need to remember that I am learning more beyond the textbooks and lectures. I am learning perseverance and strength and many other things I probably don't even see. Thank you to this man for pointing it out and writing about it. And thank you Ms. Mahoney for making us read this.

Friday, April 17, 2015


 1. My stop motion animation was about a yogi practicing sun salutation and tree pose. Sun salutation takes the yogi to mountain pose, queen chair, and warrior 1. I chose these poses because sun salutation is the beginning of every practice. It is the beginning of centering and breathing. I chose tree pose because it is one of my favorites; the pose it about rooting down and rising up. This pose is about grounding yourself so you can impact others, reaching out and reaching up. Originally, I planned on shooting my friend dancing. Our schedules never aligned, so I had to use the model I had: my mom. I don't believe this video was any easier than my other plan; however, it was convenient to shoot my mom because she was home. She and I both share this passion for yoga, so I did have fun.
2. I would rate my project 9. I loved the filter I used on the images and the music I used. I felt the music set the mood of the stop motion. Looking at the other stop motions, I didn't see them use filters. I also faded out the music. Because I don't have very good technology skills, I was extremely impressed by how it turned out.
3. Even though I did complete my project on time, I could have used my time in class more effectively. If I chose something else to film, I would have made the class time given more productive. I put the video together on the last day, which wasn't difficult at all.
4. My animation is unique because it is about yoga. I had a live model. I also used time outside of class to make sure the subject matter was interesting.
5. I believe I deserve a 96% on this project. I turned it in on time, my camera is stationary, I shot it outside so the lighting would be good, it is focused on one individual, the filters are consistent, it tells a story of a yoga practice, I had good music, and my animation had a title and credits. I chose not to give myself 100% because I did not use my class time effectively.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I have one funny story to share about this weekend. My best friend Carly and I planned on hanging out Friday all week. When Friday came around, she texted me saying she didn't want to hang out. Our conversation was funny. After hugging, she admitted she was happy to see me. My birthday was on Monday, but I didn't want to celebrate because I didn't feel the need to celebrate myself when I haven't accomplished anything this year. I feel like I haven't been a productive part of society. Hopefully, that will improve, and my family and I will celebrate later this year.